Digital transformation is definitely part of our core values at Triware … and our team is very excited to be part of a Canada-wide transformation for our national ocean industry.
In a news release issued by ACOA on July 2, it was announced that Triware has been contracted by the Ocean Technology Alliance Canada (OTAC) and OceansAdvance to lead a project involving the research, validation and categorization of stakeholders in key ocean sectors. The result will be a searchable database and portal of Canada’s private, public, and non-government ocean ecosystem, housed on Canada’s Ocean Supercluster website. Click here to view the ACOA press release.
The collective project team includes:
- Triware – project management lead and application development
- M3 Sonar – industry lead Atlantic
- CFN Consultants – industry lead national
- Ryan Research – research and engagement lead
- Three Two Consulting – GIS lead
- Rawsthorne Consulting – data architecture lead
The goal of this project is to create an online centralized database, asset map, and industry portal for the ocean assets across the country. Our team is working with OceansAdvance and the OTAC so that ocean industry collaboration can be made easy for business leaders regardless of their global location.